Young Learners World History Banner

Journey through time to learn about Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India, Africa, Mesoamerica, Greece and Rome- discover what made these civilizations so unique and how they gained their place entwined in the fabric of our human story.

Ever wonder what happened after Rome fell? Discover the cultures, religions, wars and ideals that wove the fabric of our human story out of the Dark Ages and into Enlightenment.

Jamie has put so much effort into making History understandable and relatable for my kids. They already took the Ancient History course earlier this year. This Medieval History course has been fantastic. We are already signed up for the early modern era next… If you want a course that tackles history chronologically, as well as highlighting similarities and differences from today, you would benefit from this course! -- Ximena R.

Journey from British imperialism to the Gold Rush of Forty-nine: Discover the nations that emerged from Enlightenment ideals, explorers that braved the unknown and wars that wove the fabric of our human story into the republic we know today!

Travel back in time to the Civil War forward to our Modern Age- Discover emerging nations, lessons learned from civil/ world wars, as well as ideas and individuals that prevailed- let's continue weaving the fabric of our human story.

Ancients Self-paced FLEX

Course Description

Ages: 8-12
No live meetings

Cost: $180/ learner

In this 15-week flex schedule class, there will be no set time for meeting. Each week students will be given a reading assignment from the text: Story of the World Volume One: Ancient Times, From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor, by Susan Wise Bauer, video with multi-media presentation, discussion/ essay questions, and supplemental video/ activity links designed to enrich their study of the Ancients. Additional enrichment activities and literature are given to accompany this study of world history for your reference and use. Learners are welcome to submit 'homework' discussion questions or creative development via pictures, email or video- A course syllabus will be available upon registration. If you have any further questions about whether a flex class will work for your learner, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Week One- What is History? Archeologists, Ice Age, Mesopotamia, Nomadic vs. Agrarian, Nile River Delta, First People: Hunter/ Gatherers, Cave Paintings, Great Migrations, Early Farming Methods & Inventions, Arts and Crafts, Buildings & First Cities: Catal Hyuk, Jericho

Week Two- Mesopotamia and Sumer: Dictatorship, Ziggurat, Artwork of Babylon, Cuneiform, How is Time Recorded? The Bronze Age, Ancient Egypt: Pharaoh, Mummification, Canopic Jars, Pyramids, Hieroglyphs, Papyrus

Week Three- Israelite Nation- Origin of Jews: Abram, Jacob, Egypt, Moses, Exodus: Arab Nation- Ishmael; Solomon’s Temple, Hittites, Assyria, Siege on Jerusalem, Libraries of Nineveh; Babylon: Code of Hammurabi, Beginnings of Government: Natural Law vs. Rulers Law

Week Four- Indian citadel cities- Indus Valley, Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, Citadel; China: Shang Dynasty- Bronze Age, Silk worm farming, Chinese Pictograms; African Civilizations on Sahara; Anansi tales

Week Five- Ancient Egypt: Middle & New Kingdoms, Hyksos Invasion; Thutmose, Hatshepsut, Amenhotep, Valley of the Kings, Tutankhamen

Week Six- Ancient Trade on Mediterranean, Phoenicians, Trade, Carthage; Destruction/ War; Babylon: Nebuchadnezzar, Hanging Gardens, Beginnings of Government: Natural Law vs. Rulers Law, Babylonian Concepts Used Today

Week Seven- Ancient Crete & Minoans- First Navy of Bronze Age; Theseus & Minotaur, Lost City of Atlantis; Myceneans, Beehive Tombs; Bronze Age: War and Weapons, Greek Alphabet; Stories of Homer- Illiad & Odyssey; Greek Olympic Beginnings

Week Eight- Persian Empire: Medes, Cyrus the Great; Classical World- Greek city-states: Athens, Sparta; Greek Gods, Scytale Cipher, Archimedes Inventions, Thales

Week Nine- Battles of Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis; Parthenon & Greek Architecture; Peloponnesian Wars; Alexander the Great’s Accomplishments/ Legacy & Successors; Fourth Wonder of the World: Pharos & Underwater Archeological Finds of Alexandria; Petra, Jordan; Philosophers: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

Week Ten- American Civilizations: Nazca, Olmecs, Mayas, India: Aryan Influence, Hinduism, Caste System, Mauryan Empire, Siddartha, Buddhism, Jakarta Tales, China- Qin Dynasty- Society and Government: Confucius, Great Wall of China; Terra Cotta Soldier Grave; Tomb of Shi Huangdi

Week Eleven- Founding & Rise of Rome; Tale of / Remus; Etruscans; Fasces; Forms of Government; Religion: Roman Gods/ Myths; Planets; Coliseum; Gladiators; Roman Influence & Architecture- aqueducts, roads, baths, apartments; Mt. Vesuvius: Pompeii; Punic Wars: Carthage, Hannibal

Week Twelve- Political structure of Roman Republic vs. today; rhetoric, consuls, triumvirate, Celts; Julius Caesar: First Triumvirate, Pompey, military coup; Crossing the Rubicon, Veni, Vedi, Veci; Ides of March, ‘e tu’ Brute?’ Octavian Augustus: First Citizen

Week Thirteen- Pax Romana; Roman family life; Roman Army: War and Weapons, Day in Life of Roman Soldier; Judea & Palestine: Beginnings of Christianity; Jewish Revolt; Masada; zealots; Emperors Nero; Christian persecution; catacombs

Week Fourteen- Roman Emperors; Hadrian’s wall; Celts; Roman Empire divides- Emperor Constantine becomes Christian; Constantinople; Roman aqueducts; Decline of Rome: ‘Breads and Circus’, Atilla the Hun; Visigoth/ Barbarian invasion; ‘e plurabus unum’; Roman contributions

eek Fifteen- Final Presentations & Kahoot Review

Middle Ages Self-paced FLEX

Course Description

Ages: 8-12
No live meetings

Cost: $180/ learner

In this 15-week flex schedule class, there will be no set time for meeting. Each week students will be given a reading assignment of the text: Story of the World Volume 2: History for the Classical Child: The Middle Ages, by Susan Wise Bauer, video with multi-media presentation, discussion/ essay questions, and supplemental video/ activity links designed to enrich their study of the Middle Ages. Additional enrichment activities and literature are given to accompany this study of world history for your reference and use. Learners are welcome to submit 'homework' discussion questions or creative development via pictures, email or video- A course syllabus will be available upon registration. If you have any further questions about whether a flex class will work for your learner, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Week One: Rome- Governments, Influences, Rise and Fall; Anglo Saxons, Celts, Beowolf, Christianity, St. Augustine, monks, monasteries, Middle Ages literacy

Week Two: Constantine the Great, Constantinople, Holy Roman Empire, Justinian Code of Laws, Hagia Sophia, Gupta Dynasty, Buddhist monks, Ajanta caves, Australian aborigines, Maori

Week Three: Muhammed, Koran, Mecca, Hegira, 5 Pillars of Islam, Islamic Empire, caliph, Sinbad the Sailor, Rock of Gibraltar, Moors

Week Four: Sui & Tang Dynasties, Golden Age of China, Grand Canal, Ancient Chinese Inventions, Japan’s Yamamoto Dynasty, Moghul Dynasty of India: Babur the Tiger, Akbar

Week Five: Kingdom of the Franks- Clovis, Salic Laws, Charles the Hammer, Battle of Tours, Charlemagne, Vikings, Thor, Norse gods, Leif Ericson

Week Six: Alfred the Great, Bayeux Tapestry: Battle of Hastings, Haley’s Comet, Chivalry, feudalism, serfs, vassals, guilds, Japanese Samurai, shoguns

Week Seven: Jerusalem: The Holy City; Crusades, Saladin; El Cid, Reconquest of Spain; Richard the Lion-heart, Robin Hood, Magna Charta; Jewish Diaspora

Week Eight: Genghis and Kublai Khan; Travels of Marco Polo, Silk Road, Spice Route, The Forbidden City- Ming Dynasty; African Kingdoms: Ghana, Mali, Songhay; Mansa Musa, holy pilgrimage

Week Nine: Russians, Ivan the Great/ Terrible, tsars, Ottoman Turks, Fall of Constantinople, Suleiman the Magnificent, Black Death, Spain: Ferdinand and Isabella, Castle of Alhambra; Portugal: Prince Henry the Navigator; Navigation: astrolabe, compass, knots

Week Ten: Henry V; Battle of Agincourt, Joan of Arc, Battle of Orleans, Dauphin of France; Battle of the Roses: Lancasters, Yorks, Tudors; Queen Elizabeth, Shakespeare, Macbeth

Week Eleven: Columbus, De Gama, Vespucci, Magellan, Incas, Machu Picchu, Mayas, Aztecs, Tenochtitlan, Line of Demarcation, conquistadors, Cortes, Montezuma, Quetzalcoatl

Week Twelve: Gutenberg Press, William Tindale, Martin Luther, Henry VIII, Church of England, Council of Trent; Ptolemy, Copernicus, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Leonardo DaVinci

Week Thirteen: Renaissance: Rebirth of Ideas, Age of Reason; Michelangelo: David, Pieta, Sistine Chapel; Leonardo DaVinci: Last Supper; Brunelleschi: Linear Perspective; Copernicus, Galileo, Heliocentric vs. Geocentric; Isaac Newton, Laws of Motion; Orerry

Week Fourteen: Sir Walter Raleigh, Lost Colonies, John Cabot, Jacques Cartier, French Canada, Spanish Armada, Sir Francis Drake

Week Fifteen: Final Presentations & Kahoot Review

Early Modern Times Self-paced FLEX

Course Description

Ages: 8-12
No live meetings

Cost: $192/ learner

In this 16-week flex schedule class, there will be no set time for meeting. Each week students will be given a reading assignment from the text: Story of the World Volume 3: Early Modern Times by Susan Wise Bauer, video with multi-media presentation, discussion/ essay questions, and supplemental video/ activity links designed to enrich their study of the Early Modern Times. Additional enrichment activities and literature are given to accompany this study of world history for your reference and use. Learners are welcome to submit 'homework' discussion questions or creative development via pictures, email or video- A course syllabus will be available upon registration. If you have any further questions about whether a flex class will work for your learner, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Week One: German Fury; Philip and Isabella; Columbus, Conquistadors, Encomienda, New Spain; William the Silent, Protestant vs. Catholic Europe, Netherlands; Mary, Queen of Scots; King James of Scotland and England, Puritans, Gunpowder Plot, Guy Fawkes Day, King James Bible; Jamestown, John Smith, Pocahontas, John Rolfe

Week Two: Northwest Passage, Chaplain, New France: Hudson Bay; Plymouth & Massachusetts Bay Colonies; Dutch East & West India Trade Companies, New Amsterdam; Jamestown, Tobacco, Columbian Exchange/ Triangle of Trade

Week Three: Daimyo, Shoguns, Samurai; Tokugawa Dynasty; Shimabara Uprising; Zen Buddhism; Qing Dynasty, Manchu; Indian Moghul Dynasty: Taj Mahal, English Trade

Week Four: Thirty Years War: Germany’s Holy War, Catholic and Protestant Allies; King Charles I of England, Puritan Immigration, Oliver Cromwell; Black Plague and London’s Fire; France’s Absolute Monarchy: King Louis XIV, Sun King, Versailles Palace

Week Five: Prussia, 30 Years War; First Reich; Peter the Great, Window to Western Culture; The Great Northern War; St. Petersburg; Catherine the Great; Czar

Week Six: King Phillip’s War, New France, Huron & Iroquois Indians; Quakers; William Penn, Pennsylvania, The Holy Experiment; Glorious Revolution of England, Constitutional Monarchy; The Enlightenment: Sir Isaac Newton, Laws of Gravity; Francis Bacon: Scientific Method, Universal Laws; John Lock; Agricultural Revolution, Scientific Farming Methods

Week Seven: Gunpowder Empires: Safavid, Ottoman and Moghul; Taj Mahal; Muslim and Hindu Influence in India, Sharia Law; British East India Company, Battle of Plassey, Puppet-king

Week Eight: Seven Years War/ French Indian War; Guerilla Warfare; American Revolution; ‘No Taxation Without Representation’; Boston Tea Party; Declaration of Independence; ‘Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness’; Common Sense; Treaty of Paris

Week Nine: Constitution; Legislative, Executive, Judicial Branches of Government; Founding Fathers; Bill of Rights; First President George Washington; Public and Private Virtue; Captain Cook; Great Southern Continent

Week Ten: French Revolution: Estates General, Marie Antionette: Let Them Eat Cake, Bourgeoisie, Bastille, Reign of Terror; Robespierre; Napoleon Bonaparte, COUP D’ÉTAT, Louisiana Purchase

Week Eleven: Industrial Revolution, Steam Engine: Factories and Locomotives; Luddites; Eli Whitney: Cotton Gin, Standardization, Patents

Week Twelve: Lewis and Clark Expedition: Sacagawea, Continental Divide, Northwest Passage; Indiana Territory; Tecumseh; William Henry Harrison; Downfall of Napoleon; War of 1812

Week Thirteen: Qing Dynasty: Kowtow, Opium Trade and First War; New Zealand: Annex, Maori Haka; Haitian Revolution: Toussaint L’Ouverture, Abolitionist, Slave Trade, Sun Never Sets on British Empire

Week Fourteen: South American Rebellions and Revolution: Simon Bolivar, San Martin; Mexican Independence: Cry of Dolores, Hidalgo, Three Guarantees; Africa: Zulu, Boers, British Colonization, Scramble for Africa; Dr. Henry Livingston, Victoria Falls

Week Fifteen: Indian Removal Act: Cherokee, Trail of Tears; Nat Turner’s Rebellion; Texas Independence: Remember the Alamo, Santa Anna, Mexico-American War; Gold Rush, Sutter’s Mill, Forty-Niners, “Staking a Claim”

Week Sixteen: Presentations and Kahoot Review

Modern Ages Self-paced FLEX

Course Description

Ages: 8-12
No live meetings

Cost: $192/ learner

In this 16-week flex schedule class, there will be no set time for meeting. Each week students will be given a reading assignment from the text: Story of the World Volume 4: The Modern Age, by Susan Wise Bauer, video with multi-media presentation, discussion/ essay questions, and supplemental video/ activity links designed to enrich their study of the Modern Age. Additional enrichment activities and literature are given to accompany this study of world history for your reference and use. Learners are welcome to submit 'homework' discussion questions or creative development via pictures, email or video- A course syllabus will be available upon registration. If you have any further questions about whether a flex class will work for your learner, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Please note that we discuss the social injustice of racism and discrimination in this study of Modern Age World History as it continues to be a part of our human story. From military dictators and monarchies to republics, each form of government can create or prevent legislation for social equality- those whom are elected into public office should reflect private as well as public virtue. With the creation of the US Constitution and subsequent republics formed around the world, we have seen HUGE leaps of progress in creating social equality for all- in quoting the words of John Locke- "Where-ever the law ends, tyranny begins." The social contract between government and man continues to be developed and improved where laws can be passed which sustain an economically stable environment to provide equal opportunity for all regardless of nationality, ethnicity or culture.

Week One- Great Exhibition, Queen Victoria, Sun Never Sets on the British Empire, East India Trade Company, Sepoy Mutiny, Indian Viceroy; Afghanistan, The Great Game; Dr. Livingstone

Week Two- Japan- Tokugawa Dynasty; Crimea War: Church of the Nativity, Charge of the Light Brigade, Florence Nightingale; Italy Becomes a Nation, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Piedmont king; China: Qing Dynasty, Taiping Rebellion; Triple Alliance, Dominion of Canada

Week Three- U.S. Civil War: Union vs. Confederate States of America, Abolitionists, Abraham Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation, John Wilkes Booth, Gettysburg Address; Railroads Connect the Nation: Promontory Summit, Utah; Standardized Time; Thomas Edison, Electric Lightbulb; Japan- Meiji Restoration: Daimyo, Samurai, Conscripts

Week Four- France’s Forms of Government: Monarchy, Empire, Republic; Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite; Prussia: Otto van Bismark, Second Reich; East Indies: Dutch & British East India Companies; Ottoman Empire vs. Russia; Suez Canal; Scramble for Africa, Carving up Africa, Berlin Conference; South America War: Peru, Chile & Bolivia; British Australia Colonies: Ned Kelly, Bushranger

Week Five- Ireland Potato Famine, Corn Laws, Home Rule vs. Perpetual Coercion, Africa: Boer War, Afrikaners, Eureka Diamond, British Concentration Camps; Brazil: Empire to Republic, Pedro II; Ottoman Empire: Republic to Tyranny; Russia: Czar, Autocracy; Africa: Liberia, Protectorate; Ethiopia: Danakil Depression

Week Six- Japan vs. China; Korean Hermit Kingdom Ends; Spanish- American War: Philippines, Cuba ¡Independencia o muerte, Remember the Maine, Theodore Roosevelt, Rough Riders; Oregon Trail: Pioneers, Crazy Horse, Geronimo; Andrew Carnegie: Stocks, Investors, Corporations, Philanthropy

Week Seven- China’s Qing Dynasty: Empress Dowager, Boxer Rebellion, European Imperialism, Chinese Nationalist Party, Abdication; Persian Diplomacy & Oil Reserves; Balkans: Serbs and Croatian Turmoil; Vietnam: Phan Boi Chau, Patriot; Mexican Revolution: Madero, Pancho Villa, Oligarchy vs. Democracy, Junta, Caudillo, Coup d’état

Week Eight- WWI: Triple Alliance vs. Triple Entente, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Allies vs. Central Powers, Trench Warfare, RMS Lusitania, Zimmerman Telegram, Armistice, ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste’, Propaganda; Russian Revolution: Romanovs, Bolsheviks, Vladimir Lenin, Communism

Week Nine- Ireland Easter Uprising, Ulster Covenant, ‘Home Rule’; India: Gandhi, ‘Noncooperation’ Demonstrations; Paris Peace Conference, Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, Reparations, War Guilt Clause; Russian Revolution: Red/ White Army, Lenin, Stalin, Collectivization, Kulaks, Kolkhoz, Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Week Ten- Egypt: Khedive, Wafd; Italy: Fascism; Manchuria to Manchukuo; China: Chiang Kai-shek, National Party/ Kuomintang; National Revolutionary Army, Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Mao Zedong, The Long March; Roaring 20s, Charles Lindbergh, Spirit of St. Louis; NY Stock Exchange, Wall Street Crash of 1929; Great Depression: Dust Bowl, FDR, New Deal; Spain: Red vs. Black; Germany: Rise of Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler, Antisemitism; Fatherland, Allies vs. Axis

Week Eleven- World War Two: Second Sino-Japanese War, Pearl Harbor, Dunkirk, Midway, Blitzkrieg, Winston Churchill, D-Day, Normandy, Holocaust, Ghettos, Concentration Camp, Aryan, Anne Frank, Underground; Manhattan Project: Albert Einstein, Oppenheimer, Atom Bomb, ‘Little Man’ & ‘Fat Boy’, Hiroshima, Nagasaki; United Nations

Week Twelve- India, Pakistan, Kashmir, Partition, Gandhi, Mother Teresa; Israel Partition: Palestinian Arabs, Zionism, Jewish Nation-State; Suez Crisis, ‘Operation Musketeer‘; Rationing, Marshall Plan, East and West Germany, Berlin Wall; South Africa: African National Congress vs. National Party, Afrikaners, Apartheid, Unjust Laws; China: Communism, Re-distribution of Wealth, CCP vs. Kuomintang, Mao’s Little Red Book; Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh, Viet Minh; North and South Korea: 38th Parallel

Week Thirteen- Cold War: Space Race, Sputnik; Cuba: Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Guerilla Warfare, Bay of Pigs, Thirteen Day Standoff; Nuclear Warfare; Cuban Missile Crisis; United States: John F. Kennedy/ JFK, Assassination; Lee Harvey Oswald; Arlington Cemetery; Civil Rights Movement: Jim Crow Laws, Segregation, Brown vs. Board of Education, Rosa Parks, Bus Boycott, Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have A Dream

Week Fourteen- Argentina: Junta, Descamisados, Justicialismo; Africa: Congo Independence, Totalitarianism, Zaire; Vietnam War: ‘Domino Theory’, Viet Cong, Guerilla Warfare, Draft, POW, MIA, Vietnam Veterans Memorial; Israel’s Six Day War: Zionism, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, Jerusalem’s West Bank; USSR Expands its Borders: Czechoslovakia, Afghanistan, Mujaheddin; Terrorism: Black September, PLO, IRA, PIRA; India & Pakistan: Sikhs, Punjab, Golden Temple; Iran & Iraq: Saddam Hussein, Shatt Al-Arab, “Stream of the Arabs”

Week Fifteen- Nuclear Power: Chernobyl, Atomic Fission, Radioactivity: End of Cold War: Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Perestroika, Glasnost; People’s Republic of China: Little Red Book, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, Four Olds, Counter-Revolutionary, Tiananmen Square, Tank Man; Communism Falls: Berlin Wall Torn Down, USSR Collapses; First Persian Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm; Africa: Rwanda Genocide, Apartheid, Nelson Mandela, Open Elections

Week Sixteen- Final Presentations

FLEX All Access Premium Membership

  • First Week FREE

  • $59/ month- cancel anytime

  • Perfect for families with multiple learners!

  • Homework Discussion via Email Included!

  • Access to ANY of my FLEX courses in World History, Economics and Law


Teacher's Corner- Complete Courses

Designed for teachers, I have created digital download products that include the COMPLETE lecture video links, Teacher's Guide/ Syllabus as well as the PPTs designed to enrich your learner’s understanding of Volumes 1-4 of the Story of the World texts by Susan Wise Bauer. I am creating these additional resource packages to assist teachers in facilitating their own instruction and also to provide a video option for substitutes if needed in a classroom/ homeschool/ micro-school setting.

These are 15 or 16 wk. semester long courses that can be modified to fit your student's needs, the downloads provide the detail into each week's topics, reading assignments, lecture videos with multi-media presentation, discussion/ essay questions, and supplemental video/ activity links for enrichment through the course syllabus and teacher's outline. Course content is outlined above- Please email me with any questions you may have!

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