Self-paced FLEX

Ages: 13-17

Cost: $169 total

$13/ class per learner

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Teacher's Corner

Complete Course PPTs, Teacher's Guide/ Syllabus & Flex Lecture Videos

Cost $99

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Course Description

This course is mixed content- the backbone is Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? by Richard Maybury, additional economic based and current event articles will be integrated throughout. The last class is reserved for student presentations where they will choose a final project to illustrate their knowledge of the basic Principles of Economics and its main themes.

Worldviews, Juris Naturalism, What is Economics and Why is it Important? Basic Principles of Economics; Money: Its Origin & History, TAANSAAFL, Legal Tender, Inflation & its stages, Velocity, Hyper-inflation, Scarcity, Assets/ Liabilities, Business Cycle, Boom/Bust Cycle, Opportunity Cost; Types of Economic Systems & Production; Factors of Production; Levels of Economic Activity, Investment Strategy, Interest- Compound vs. Simple, Entrepreneurism Today, Ethics of Investment, Forms of Government & Economic Freedom; Monopolies & Competition; Black Market; Minimum Wage, Labor Unions, NAFTA; Fractional Banking, Developing vs. Developed Countries; Bankruptcy Law: Personal and National Debt, Debt Ceiling; Cycle of Body Politic; Laissez-faire, Natural Law vs. Civil Law; Socialism/ Statism, Freedom Buy, Try, Sell, Fail; Private and Public Sectors of Mixed Economies, Micro vs. Macroeconomics; Covid 19: Costs- Seen and Unseen; Where do we go from here?

Each week students are given a weekly reading assignment, video with multi-media presentation, discussion/ essay questions, and supplemental video/ article links for enrichment through the course syllabus. Students are encouraged to connect and apply what they are learning as they read the assigned articles/chapters, watch the lecture videos, engage in discussion questions with others and complete presentations to show understanding of the content.

Topics of discussion include:

Week One- Worldviews; Author Viewpoints & Beliefs What is Economics? Why Study Economics? Juris Naturalism; Principles of Economics: Supply and Demand

Week Two- Money: Its Origin and History, Clad Tokens vs. Coins Welfare vs. Subsidy Clipping Coins and Reeding, Gresham’s Law

Week Three- Inflation Characteristics of good money, Federal Reserve Notes vs. Silver Certificates, Legal Tender, Law/ Fiat Money, TANSTAAFL

Week Four- Governments, Economic Systems & Controls; Monopolies: Price Gouging; Reasons for Inflation- Democracy vs. Dictatorship; Revolutions; Beware the LIE

Week Five- Business Cycle, Recessions, Depressions, Deflation, Velocity and Demand for Money; Stages of Inflation, Hyper-inflation; Monopolies & Competition

Week Six- Seen/ Unseen in Economic Practices Today: Bastiat article; Minimum Wage, Labor Unions

Week Seven- Producers vs. Consumers, Types of Economic Systems/ Production; Developed vs. Developing Countries; Specialization of Labor, Opportunity Cost

Week Eight- Boom/ Bust Cycle, Investments, Assets and Liabilities, Scarcity Compound Interest, Fractional Banking

Week Nine- You can’t consume more than you produce: personal and national debt; debt ceiling/ deficit; Bankruptcy Law; Public Debt: Citizen vs. Taxpayer, Infrastructure

Week Ten- Private and Public Sectors; National Macroeconomic Objectives & Microeconomics; NAFTA

Week Eleven- Natural Law VS Roman Civil Law, Socialism & Statism, Government’s Legal System= Economic Prosperity, Cycle of Body Politic; ‘Each according to his need’; Kahoot Quiz

Week Twelve- Pandemic Outcomes: Local, National, Global Impacts: Costs of Pandemic, Seen & Unseen Consequences, Where Do We Go From Here?

Week Thirteen- Entrepreneurism/ innovation; Review Crossword; Student presentations of principles of economics/ concepts discussed- ie. create a visual presentation PPTX, perform a skit/ play and show it to us via video presentation, write an essay, create a mural or art project, etc

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